…still growing, even now
„Fake it till you make it.“
…that´s how I got my first job. If I want to get some job, I just have to make everything to get it. You know, for experiences. But, everybobody need just experiences when applying for some job during my study, so yes, my CV wasn´t always full of truth, but who cares. This is maybe my first real CV with real experiences and skills. Promise.
Firstly I am fresh Husband and a real Dreamer. Full-time Dreamer. I can dream about anything and I love it. The best thing about dreaming is that if you can dream about it, you can also make it real. So, you can do anything, what you dream about. That´s cool, right?
But, I am also passionate about startups & innovation, design, music, fashion of course, social media, books, gastronomy and all good things.
Scotch & Soda Maniac
Product Innovation
Digital Marketing
Team Player
Graphic Design
I´m Triple ‚S‘ Man
I can S-leep, S-mile and S-peak at a time. (not a purpose)
Here you can see my previous or current projects, where I ´m practicing and developing my skills. I picked the best ones.
COO & Social Media Manager
Sketcher.sk is web/portal about design and stuff. I´m responsible for daily activities, editing and social media maniac-ing.
From 12/2015
My side (hobby) project. Web gallery with good things (handmade creators, talented deisgners, music, design, café and other good stuff) to make your day better. That´s it. I ´m making content and design, as well. Other necessary stuff, too. You can check it here. (Slovak version only)
launched 06/2016
I´m working hard on my own fashion project (startup) from the sketch. Styllie will be soon an interactive fashion platform, where brands, stylists, bloggers and all fashion lovers could meet to create the most stylish place in the World.
since 2015 and never give up
Online Marketing Strategist
I was developing initial Marketing Strategy focusing on online presence for Slovakia based startup dealing with safe and secure online communication.
from 12/2015 to 5/2016
My Wedding
Project Manager & Team Leader
I was part of an awesome team (me, my wife and few friends), who have organized my own wedding for more than 100 of people in just 2 months. The best experience ever!
from 7/2016 to 9/2016